一年畫廊? / What is One Year Gallery?

since March 28 2008





一年畫廊是一個空間與時間的長期藝術計畫 , 這個計畫裡包含了一些不同的子計畫 . 例如 , 剝皮計畫 , 藝術家生存食玩計畫 , 以及一些不定時開放性的展演計畫 . 透過一年畫廊,與藝術家們的關係,是創作計畫的合作, 想探討跟呈現的是,一個不同於台灣現有藝術空間組織的形態,以及在創作上種種的可能性。 一年畫廊想要作的是…藝術家理想性特質與價值觀的直接呈現 。


One Year Gallery is an artists run space. Why is it named One Year Gallery? The space originally was leased for a single year, a challenge for the artists run the space and a catalyst for cultural dialogue and production. At One Year Gallery , the projects are collaborative endeavors with other artists and with a focus on the ideas of artists run space that are not preexisting or readily available within the Tiawanese art community.










No.6 Ln61,Zinqiang St. Beitou Dist. Taipei



Sat - Sun


Mon - Fri


Gallery is open only during exhibition showings.