2016年 03月26日 - 10月30日
at 臺北市立美術館 Taipei Fine Arts Museum
兒童藝術教育中心 Children's Art Education Center
Digital print - デジタルプリント, etc.
兒藝中心最新展出計畫「小‧大」,邀請大人與小朋友一起用非比尋常的角度─尺寸與視角看待世界,喚起、連結大小朋友的共同經驗,賦予日常生活一個新的觀看角度,再次認識自身生活的多樣風貌。 「小」、「大」看似一個概念的兩端,事實上變化無窮無盡,無論是透過改變尺寸、解構視角或調整遠近關係,都會擾亂視覺,讓我們跳脫真實世界的框架。五位藝術家-陳逸堅、鈴木貴彥、石晉華、朱盈樺與劉耀中,透過生活靈感提出觀點,撞擊我們慣常的認知,同時結合由藝術家設計、鼓勵動手操作的互動裝置,創造出充滿想像力,探索感官與知覺的奇妙空間。 「小‧大」分為「藝術家變大變小」、「情感的刻度」、「移動的眼睛」以及「一公尺試衣間」四個區域,呈現小與大的翻轉與辯證,觀眾在此不只是被動的參觀者,更是主動的探索者,可以透過各種感官與身體去感受,體驗小與大的豐富世界。
Small or Big
For the exhibition Small or Big, the museum set scale as a starting point and then invited five contemporary Taiwanese artists to develop an interactive exhibition including site specific works. Shuttling between tiny and enormous in terms of both physical size and abstract concept, the artists constructed a fantasy world in which one can explore both senses and perceptions. Through manipulation, games and experiences, the audience can break through old habits of seeing to become re-acquainted with the everyday world. The exhibition also gives rise to interesting dialogs and awareness.
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