2004年6月29日 - 8月29日
at S.M.C.A. Moni Lazariston, テサロニキ、ギリシャ
Title :無題
サイズ: 4.46m x 3.4m x h 2.71m
蛍光灯が明滅している。 この点滅は蛍光灯が点けられる瞬間において起こる。 その時同時に、グローランプは小さな妙な音を立てる。 それらは、蛍光灯が点けられるときの典型的な現象であるが、蛍光灯の顧客には何の意味も成さない。 このインスタレーションでは、その蛍光灯が点灯する瞬間が、調光器、コンタクトマイク、アンプによって永遠に繰り返され、拡大されている。
コミュニケーションは情報の送り手からの一方通行ではない。 それは原則として相互作用であり、受け手の反応がその意味を決めている。 この点で、情報の受け手は、送り手と同じくコミュニケーションの制作者でもある。 受け手とは仮に名付けられた言葉であり、情報の受け手は常にアクティブである。
・・・けれども常に我々のすべての反応に対して意識的でありつづけることは容易ではない。 ただ、情報の受け手はその情報の意味に対して責任があることだけは覚えていることはできる。 とにかく可能性として、我々は、すべての情報はその受け手の制御下にあると言うことができるかもしれない。それは希望の一種、か?
2004.6/29 ~ 8/29
at S.M.C.A. at Moni Lazariston, Thessaloniki, Greece
Title :untitled
materials: tube, glow lamp, contact microphone, speaker, monaural amplifier, wood, nonwoven cloth, Johonson's baby oil.
Size:4.46m x 3.4m x h 2.71m
Tubes are blinking. This blinking occurs at a moment when the tube is turned on. At the same time, the glow lamp makes some small strange sound. They are additionally typical phenomena when the tube is turned on, and they have no meaning for the customer of the tube. Here, the moment gets repeated and amplified by a dimmer,contact microphones and amplifiers.
"The communication is not a linear move of information. The communication is interaction in principle, not one-sided process. In principle "receiver's reaction" determines the meaning of the communication. In this point, a receiver is also an initiator of the communication. "Receiver" is a mere provisional word. The receiver of the information is always active."
But it is not easy to be aware of our every reaction. Although our reaction depends on our will and idea, it is also often under control of our culture and unconsciousness. We can try not to forget that the receiver has a responsibility of the meaning of the information we got. Anyway as a possibility, we may say that every information is under control of the information receiver.
Is it a vain hope?
Exhibition space is an ex temple lodging. The room has two entrances. One is from corridor to the room, another one on the side wall is shared with a next room. A wall end of the room has a small window, and around the window has a dent for light. A last side wall has nothing. The small window and the entrance of the side wall are blocked. Tubes are set into those dents. Also those dents are covered by nonwoven. A wall made by wooden frame and nonwoven are built in a center of the room. The wall also has a tube inside of it. These three tubes are blinking by a dimmer. Contact microphones are connected with each glow lamp of the tubes, and pick up the sound of them. Sounds of them are sent to the amplifiers, and are sent to speakers on the wall which has no entrance. Each sound of glow lamps has each speaker. The sounds are completely synchronized with blinking tubes. The whole surface of nonwoven are painted Jonson's baby oil. And it makes nonwoven be half transparency and three-dimensional. And the room is filled with the blinking, the sounds of the glow lamps and the smell of the baby oil. The floor is covered with white carpet..